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Recent Mask Wearing Guidelines

Good Morning!

Yesterday morning we received this email from the LA County Health Department concerning mask wearing. Since it is short and to the point, we have decided to share it in its entirety. There has been some confusion around the CDC orders, but we at Howie’s are under the county of LA’s jurisdiction.

We are as anxious as you to get beyond this pandemic and all its residual effects, physical and emotional, so please be considerate of others. We appreciate your patience.


Dear Community and Business Sector Partners,

Please note that the LA County Health Officer Order remains in effect across LA County, and masks are still required in settings as described in the orders and protocols, posted here:

Masks are still required for everyone at:

- Large events, public transportation, retail, and business establishments.

- Workplaces (under Cal/OSHA masking and distancing requirements)

Masks are still required for all unvaccinated people:

- Outdoors anytime distancing cannot be maintained

Masks are still not required for fully vaccinated people:

- Outdoors unless attending crowded events

- Indoor and outdoor visits with other fully vaccinated people and with unvaccinated people from one household without high-risk people

Please see our website for additional information and resources.

Thank you, from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health

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