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On Being a Trusted Neighbor

Touching base with you to let you know that we at Howie’s and Alexander’s Prime Meats are still very vigilantly keeping you and our staff as protected as possible against the Corona Virus.

During our store’s bout with COVID after Christmas, we were in daily contact with the Los Angeles Health Department. Health Department officials are pleased with the efforts we have made and surprised that we had already provided our employees and customers with the required notices.

We are still cleaning highly touched surfaces on a regular basis and monitoring how many customers are in the store at one time. Hand sanitizer stands are at the entrance and meat department. Our aisles are clearly marked as a reminder that we must remain 6’ apart. And of course, no one is allowed in the store without a mask.

In addition to that, we have purchased several Ultra Violet lights that are turned on throughout the store at closing.

As more people get vaccinated and we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, we must all continue to be vigilant, for ourselves and for each other. Our commitment to be your trusted neighbor is one we take very seriously. And being a good neighbor means we continuously look out for your well-being.

Be safe, we can help.



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