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A Month of Thanks

As we enter into November, a month of giving Thanks, it has me reflecting on the pandemic we find ourselves living in.

It is hard to believe that we are entering into November after months of living through a pandemic. It seems as though when this all started in March, it was a life time ago. As a nation we have all learned the dance of constant change and strength during these past days and months. As some of us have learned resilience during this time, others have become crippled by the idea of the loss of family, business and the absence of self and lack there of human interactions and so much more.

I myself having just celebrated 6 years with my fathers kidney through transplant (after having my mothers for 20) am just getting back into the market after months of hibernation. I, to, went though isolation and paralyzed fear around the idea of getting sick from COVID. It’s so important to learn flexibility (this is also something that takes time to master). The idea is not to let our worlds fears interrupt our ways of living our day to day life. Wash your hands, stay 6 ft away from others, wash your hands some more, take your Vitamins (especially Vitamin A, D, and C as well as zinc as the virus does not like these vitamins) and be aware of your surroundings . We got this!

Now, more than ever, we need to stand together and appreciate the days we have. Everyday is a gift!

Please remember to be thankful for what you do have; to keep your family close, remember to take time out, be kind to one another, remember that life is a gift and that we are so lucky to live it together with loved ones, respect your coworkers, call your friends often, remember to be present and be thankful for the air we so freely breathe.

We are Thankful for our community and our crew that has continued to support our family business throughout this crazy time . Our family will continue to do all that we can in our power to keep you and our market healthy and clean. We will all get through this together! One Day at a Time.

Be Well and Stay Safe!

Kirsten Nolan


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